1. Rain
2. Rain
3. Staying inside because of the rain.
There has to be a solution to all this madness. Madness = boredom. What did I use to do when the weather wasn't exactly on the co-operative side with doing outdoor activities?
Bling, bling, bling. The light went on. Don't all you guys out their laugh about what I'm going to say, just because it might seem "old" (as Lazarus would put it) for wanting to spend my time in a chair somewhere with a ball of yarn.
So I did it. I went out to the store and loaded my cart with the wildest colors of yarn I could find and rolled my cart up to the checkout with a cart full of boredom killers. Crochet hook and all. I was about to spend my night with out having to dwell on my summer (or lack of) blues. I was going to have fun.
I get home, pull out my yarn and needle, get myself a large glass of juice and plop down on the couch. Of course this was after getting a refresher of how to even crochet from the famous YouTUBE site on how to do a simple single stitch. Now I was ready to go. I started to do my work on the yarn - and whatya know - it was actually turning out right. Exciting. This was the most fun I have had in days. Who would have known that all the grandmas across the united states had it right when they sat down with their yarn and needles in hand, and rocked away on their chairs. Inspiring.
The funny part of it is that as I'm sitting their feeling all giddy that my single stitch is "actually working" one kid after another plop down beside me. Suddenly the couch is sagging in with a truck load of interested kids. Questions and comments spilling.
"What are you doing?"
"Wow, that looks really cool."
"Can I try it?"
"Can I sit by you?"
"Will you teach me that?"
"Do you have yarn that I can have?"
"Wouldn't it be awesome to make all of our kids baby clothes?"
Ect... ect....
They were just exited about the crocheting as I was. Lazarus was begging to get his chance at it, even though he said that "this is what old people do." Which I laughed at and said, "guess you like old people activities then." And he smiled. I guess all of us do. So I continued my needlework and they continued their fascination. Unplanned family time, awesome.
No longer does rain have to mean sitting on your backside inside just watching some movie and wishing you could be doing something else, something that doesn't put you to sleep - something more entertaining, something less tv like. So I guess you could say the lesson learned here is - attitude is everything.
you are turning into your mom. do you love it? it is fun to see you crocheting. mom