Sunday, April 10, 2011

Simba, Our New Puppy!

In March, Micah and I went out and got a new puppy without telling our kids where we were going. They thought we were going on our weekly date. Little did they know, we were out looking at puppies to see if we found one we liked.

Well, we did - and needless to say, we brought him home to the kids. When Micah and I arrived home and were holding a puppy in our arms, we told the kids, "look at what we found down the street. I think he is lost." We kept going on about how we needed to find the owners of this puppy because they were probably really missing him.

The kids kept saying, "I wish he was our puppy" and "he's so cute, don't you wish he was ours?" Well, after Micah and I played the story for a bit I finally looked at them and said, "He is our puppy." It took a while for the kids to actually believe he was ours.

Finally after a little convincing, Isaac looked at me with a huge smile across his face and said, "mom, this is better then Christmas." So take a peek at our video of him, and you will see what is better then Christmas. Smiles!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Pot of Gold at the End of my Rainbow!

Everyone has alot of things in life to be thankful for. Mine is my family. This march we were very blessed to have not only my side of the family with us, but Micah's as well. And though it isn't Thanksgiving, I would like to show you MY POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF MY RAINBOW! Our family...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where there is smoke there is Isaac building a fire...

I have put a link in here to a video on Isaac and a time I found him building a fire across the street. If you click the link and watch it, you will watch the whole story.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catch UP! Sorry, OUT of ORDER!

Hi everyone. I just wanted to pre-warn you that while I'm catching up my blog things might get out of order. I guess it will keep you guessing what time frame, or year we're in. What a way to keep it exciting, huh? Smiles... alright... let's go do a little time hopping.