Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All hearts come home for Christmas!

To me, going home to the place where I was raised (to see my family) was a very special trip. It reminded me of not only the olden days when the holidays rolled around, but also gave me appreciation for the new things I have in my life. It was very wonderful and special to hold Sheila and Dan's new little one in my arms and look upon her beautiful face. They are so blessed to finally be holding her, and to have such a sweet blessing in their life.

I was also able to enjoy some of the old traditions that I have grown to love, and haven't in the past several years been able to enjoy. We went to the spaghetti factory for mine, Dan's, and Ian's Birthday celebration. This was something we have done since I was a very young child, where afterwards we would trek around some toys store with our parents picking gifts for our siblings that would be given at the family gift exchange (for Christmas Eve gift giving). I miss those times.

My mom, myself, and my sister Sheila

Joshua (Micah's Brother), my dad, and Ryanne

Noah (Sheila's son), Sharon (my sister), Seth (Micah's brother), Ian (my twin)

Dan, Austin (Sheila's son), Noah

We went afterwards to a village that held the setting of the 1800's to try and enjoy a christmas setting set back in the day. It was absolutely bone chilling. The major thought that each of us had was to, "find the next fire" that blazed in huge metal barrels. Each of us was ill prepared for the below freezing (with wind chill) temperatures that challenged us. The few of us who were prepared (scarf, gloves, coats, hats) shared our goods, with the less fortunate ones. I ended up lending my scarf (and I needed it) to my brother Ian. I guess Christmas is about sacrifice and giving . . . hee hee.

At first the ride on the carriage seemed exciting and tempting, but after the wind started sending sharp needles of pain at our faces we had to laugh at the foolishness of it. Which in hindsite, is part of what was fun and memories that will be etched forever in our brain when it comes to remembering the trip.

Hallelujah! FIRE!

After so much cold and toe numbing walking, we decided our ten dollar admission had finally tortured us enough. It was time to head home, and each of us felt relieved to leave and glad we went. Strange how things like that are. Sometimes just doing things, no matter how silly they seem at the time become our fondest memories. Maybe we will chatter as old souls, around our fires in years to come about the cold trip back into the 1800's.

One of the things that was really important to me to do was visit my grandparents. As much as I try to ignore and forget that age is robbing me of my time of them, I know the facts. My grandma and grandpa are getting older and their health is lessening. It saddens me to think of losing them. It was so nice to see them, and enjoy their company, and remember all the wonderful times we have had together. To me, they were just as young and vibrant as when I was a child. I like remembering them that way, and I will never forget it. This may be my last time seeing them so I want to say . . .

I love you grandma and grandpa!
I love my family too! Until next time, best of wishes . . .

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